
In 2020, the City resurfaced Lake Drive SE from Atlas Avenue SE to east city limitsNow that a year has passed since the project was completed, we want to know your thoughts. Your feedback will be used to inform future projects.

At the bottom of this page, please tap "Continue" to answer a few questions and provide your input. Thank you!


Project background

New street design - Lake Dr from Atlas Ave to Wealthy St

Street design of Lake from Atlas to Wealthy
New Street Design - Lake Dr from Glendwood Ave to east city limits:
Street design of Lake from Glenwood to ECL


This project made the following changes:​

  • Realigned the Lake Dr and Glenwood Ave intersection to make it a T-intersection to shorten the pedestrian crossing distance and help slow turning traffic
  • Added a new mid-block crossing near the Hub Lot, just east of the Post Office
  • Extended the curb in front of the Post Office to shorten the pedestrian crossing distance, improve pedestrian visibility at the new mid-block crossing and at the Post Office driveways, provide a larger area for the existing Rapid bus stop, better define parking spaces, and slow traffic speeds
  • Improved stormwater drainage on Lake Dr where water ponded
  • Modified existing curbing to improve snow removal
  • Removed parking on the south side of the street
  • Added bicycle lanes to both sides of the street, one in each direction
  • Removed the existing road surface and paved one or more layers of asphalt
  • Upgraded sidewalks and crossing ramps to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Replaced some driveway approaches and sidewalks
  • Installed green infrastructure such as street trees and infiltration basins to retain and soak stormwater into the ground to filter pollutants and reduce runoff entering natural bodies of water


Lake Drive Before Reconstruction

Picture of Lake Dr before reconstruction

Picture of Lake Dr before reconstruction


Lake Drive After Reconstruction

Picture of Lake Dr after resurfacing

Picture of Lake Dr after resurfacing

Picture of Lake Dr after resurfacing