106 neighbors shared input on the Phase I survey for Sweet St. Park (available Aug-Oct 2020). 

Top priorities for improvements were:

  • Natural playground materials like logs and stumps
  • More play options for both younger children (under 5) and older children
  • Landscaping (native plants, additional trees, etc.)

Other themes heard through comments included:

  • Traffic safety concerns along College Ave. and Sweet St. 
  • Improvements to sport courts (GRPS-owned)
  • Adding benches for sunset viewing​

You can read all comments and responses on the Phase I survey here:

Aerial photo of Sweet St. Park


Comments and priorities from the Phase I survey were used to create a proposed concept for improvements. In this survey, you will be asked to:

  1. Review the concept plans
  2. Rank your priorities for improvements
  3. Provide additional comments.

Thank you for participating in this survey and directing investments to this important public space!